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Printing Bar Lists

Choose Order->Update/Delete/Print F5.The order header window will appear.

Choose Order->Update/Delete/Print F5.The order header window will appear.

If you prefer the Imperial System type 1 in the Order Code field.

If you prefer the SoftMetric System type 2 in the Order Code field.

If you prefer the European Metric System type 3 in the Order Code field.

Press the Load Order button with the mouse. The order 1 header data will appear on the window.

Press the OK button. The order detail window will appear.

Switch on your printer. Choose the option Reports->Print Bar List with Drawings->Setting 1.

Leave unchanged the data you find on the "Print Bar List with Drawings" window and press OK.

When the program has started printing something, a "Please Wait" window appears. Don't do anything until this window disappears again.

The last row represents the weight for each Bar size/diameter.

Each of the settings represents a different way of printing the bar list, with a number of parameters to tailor it to your needs. If you change the parameters in a setting, they remain with the same value for the next time you print with this setting.

In each window tab there is help on the meaning of every parameter. Here is an explanation on only a few of them:

Choose option Reports->Print Bar List without Drawings->Setting 1. You will get a bar list without drawings. The bending lengths are displayed in the following columns: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, J, K, O. The parameters to tailor it to your needs are almost identical to those in "Print Bar List with Drawings".

When printing has finished choose option File--Lose changes and exit.

It's recommended that you use the menu options to close the application windows rather than click on the "X" at the top right corner.



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