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Order Edit Setup

When you are in the Order Detail Window you can change the width of the columns with the mouse much in the same way as you would in the case of columns in an Excel spreadsheet. These changes in width are saved, so that you will have them when you enter new orders.

Some of these columns are optional, and you can choose whether they are displayed or not. If you don't need the Members column, for instance, you can remove it, this way you can enter orders faster. The optional columns are: Row, Machine, Mark, Members, Bars/Member, Length and Weight. There is also a column, called "Machine", that by default is not present and can be added. Even if you don't need to enter the machine number you may find it useful for other types of data. The interesting point about this column is that it can be used to filter what rows are printed from the order ( bar list ) and what labels are printed. For instance when you print the bar list or labels you can tell the program to print only rows with machine column informed with a determined value

You can decide whether they are displayed or not at General->Order Edit Setup

Let's have a look at the optional columns:

Row: It indicates the row number. This is useful to use the copy and delete options, as you have to indicate by row number the range of rows you want to copy or delete.

Machine: This column is for the code of the machine which is going to make the piece. If you are not interested in recording that you can still use this field to choose in each row from several different weight and bending/gain settings. Initially the same weight/length factor and bending gain applies to all machines, but you can change that and establish a different setting for each machine.

Mark: This column is for a mark or number assigned to the pieces on the plan. If you are not interested in recording that mark or number, it is better to leave it empty or choose not to display the column. Then, when you print the bar list you can check the Sequential Mark checkbox and a sequential number (1, 2, 3, 4, ...) will be assigned to each row in the printed order or label. 

Length and Weight: If you choose not to display Length or Weight on the screen, they are still calculated and printed when you choose to print an order or its labels.

Members: If you don't select this column, you enter directly the total number of bars.

Total no of Bars: this a calculated column equal to "Members" x "Bars/Member". If you don't select Members, then it is of no use to select this one. If you select Members and don't select this column it only means that it is not displayed in the order edit window, but of course the total number of bars is still calculated and can be printed when you print the bar list and labels.

You can try going to General->Order Edit Setup and choosing not to display some of the optional columns, then enter a new order.

However afterwards leave the setting as it initially was to better follow this tutorial, as in describing the steps this setting has been supposed to be the initial one. Then, when you finish this tutorial, choose the setting you prefer.

One advantage of removing the unnecessary columns is that more space is left for the useful ones.

In this order edit setup window you can also decide if the hooks are to be calculated according to the standards specified in "General->Measuring Units, Weights and Bending Gains". If this option is not selected, they are not calculated, but left for the user to inform them. If it is selected, they are calculated but the user can still change them.

If they are calculated you can decide whether 135 º tie/stirrup hooks are calculated as seismic.

Remember in "General->Measuring Units, Weights and Bending Gains", once you reach the data browser where you can setup weights and bending gains, in the 8 last columns you can inform the default values for different types of hooks.

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